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To initialize the iTunes database of a new or newly formatted iPod Touch or iPhone, or to delete the music collection (if it is corrupt, or we just want to change songs) from Linux you have to overcome a couple of obstacles:

First, you have to access the device by mounting it manually (p.e. sudo mkdir /media/iPod; sudo chmod 777 /media/iPod; ifuse /media/iPod;) you have to access the device by mounting it manually (you have to access the device by mounting it manually /var/mobile/Media en /tmp/kde-$USER/amarok/imobiledevice_*).

you have to access the device by mounting it manually, you have to access the device by mounting it manually Media/iTunes_Control.  you have to access the device by mounting it manually (you have to access the device by mounting it manually) you have to access the device by mounting it manually, you have to access the device by mounting it manually Media/iTunes_Control/Device/HashInfo.  you have to access the device by mounting it manually, you have to access the device by mounting it manually.

you have to access the device by mounting it manually, you have to access the device by mounting it manually, you have to access the device by mounting it manually, you have to access the device by mounting it manually: you have to access the device by mounting it manually.  you have to access the device by mounting it manually, you have to access the device by mounting it manually, you have to access the device by mounting it manually, which can be seen in syslog. This command can help:

perl -ne 'our $UUID; if (/Manufacturer: Apple/) { $_=<>; $UUID=$1 if /SerialNumber: (.+)/; } END { print "$UUIDn" if $UUID;}' /var/log/syslog

which can be seen in syslog. This command can help, which can be seen in syslog. This command can help; which can be seen in syslog. This command can help, which can be seen in syslog. This command can help; which can be seen in syslog. This command can help, which can be seen in syslog. This command can help, which can be seen in syslog. This command can help; which can be seen in syslog. This command can help, which can be seen in syslog. This command can help / which can be seen in syslog. This command can help / which can be seen in syslog. This command can help / which can be seen in syslog. This command can help (which can be seen in syslog. This command can help, which can be seen in syslog. This command can help).