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The Wine wiki tells us how run wine with debug log 3D controller

WINEDEBUG=+wgl wine your_3d_app.exe 

But crossover has a debug variable different:

CX_DEBUGMSG=+wgl /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --bottle "WinXP" Chessmaster.exe

What the problem showed me:

err:ingl:has_opengl Failed to load libGL: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: xcb_send_fd
err:ingl:has_opengl OpenGL support is disabled.

The cause is that the Ubuntu libraries 14.04 they don't play well with the libxcb that comes with Crossover. The solution is to upgrade to Crossover 13.1.3, or delete your libxcb to use Ubuntu's:

sudo rm /opt/cxoffice/lib/*