by chema | Jun 5, 2014 | Linukso, monitoro, rezolucio, solvo
A veces Kubuntu no muestra las resoluciones correctas (sospecho que los GPUs Intel tienen algo que ver). Si quisiéramos agregar 1280×800 al monitor LVDS1 (xrandr –current para ver el nombre de tu monitor), generamos tiempos de sincronización con cvt:...
by chema | Nov 19, 2009 | 793mb, monitoro, samsung, ekrano, sincmajstro, te supportnika subteno
Brown lines appear from the right, “stabbing” at any onscreen text and the mouse cursor, like the ghost of Winamp has taken possesion of the screen. It happens randomly, after the monitor has been on for a while (heat?), and stops as suddenly as it...